Thursday, January 3, 2013

Google Ranking Webinar Is Friday, The Keyword Academy Is Now Open (Briefly)

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The Google Ranking Webinar Is Friday, The Keyword Academy Is Now Open (Briefly):

Hey !

A few months ago, I closed the doors of The Keyword Academy for the first time. I decided that among other things, I wanted to control the amount of people who sign up from now on. It's really fun to have new people in the program, but things can get really out of hand if you are trying to juggle developing new ideas and helping new members at the same time. As of this morning, I'm going to re-open the doors and allow new members to join TKA.

You can sign up here:

I only want 100 new people to take a free trial and will close the doors as soon as that happens. Since I'm sending this email to 20,000 people and the price is $0 for the first 30 days, I'm guessing it will fill up quickly, probably within 48 hours. FYI - I have three membership levels and most people end up paying $33 per month after their trial is over, if they decide to keep it.

The Google Ranking Webinar Is Friday, January 4th

Earlier this year I set up a case study to test the way Google is currently ranking pages. I basically picked a pretty difficult keyword (650 credit score) from a spammy industry (credit scoring and repair) and set up a simple niche site for testing ( If you search Google for '650 credit score', you'll see that ranks #2. It has been steady at #2 for over three months now.

The funny thing is, it only took a couple months to go from being a completely brand new site to being ranked #2. Ranking in Google isn't rocket science, you just have to know what you're doing. You have to get the right links from the right sources, that's it. During the webinar, I plan on revealing every technique I used to make this happen. I will show what links I have, and where they came from. In fact, I will be showing my exact spreadsheet that I used to track the links I needed and got to develop relevancy in Google. I have some other experiments planned with the case study, and on the webinar I'll talk about how I'm going to execute them:
  • Monetizing the site and how that will affect the ranking of the site
  • Why I haven't tried to push the site to #1 in Google - yet
  • How I can push the site to #1 in Google
  • Where the site carries risk and how I could eliminate that risk
  • How I plan on ultimately destroying the rankings of the site for testing purposes
This is how we learn to make things work. We develop theories, we test them, and then we analyze them. When you get in to The Keyword Academy's membership program, it lets you in my inner circle. I will teach you what I'm working on and how to make progress.

This is a members-only webinar. I'll be sending invites out to those of you who have an active subscription. I'll also be recording the webinar and posting video and audio versions in the members' area for those who aren't able to attend live.

What Members Say About TKA

This last week, I had a member in the private forum start a thread to thank us for what he's been able to learn. Here's what he had to say about the program:
OK, so it is Christmas almost and time for giving a little back. I have been a member here since Feb. 2009. I have seen this program and the way internet marketing has changed in the last few years. I have had good times and have seen problems that threatened to make me want to quit this stuff. With all the updates at Google and the effects on this way of making a living, some say it is harder now to make it. Yes, it is harder but not impossible. So why am I thankful I found this program? Well, in 2009 I was working 16 hour days on oil rigs and would stay out at sea or on a job for 6 months at a time. Then I would go home to see my family for 2 to 3 months then back to work. I never got to see my son's first steps....missed most of his birhtdays and other family things. So here it is 2012 and I am doing my taxes. Even after all the shake ups at Google and the rankings, I still netted over 38,000 dollars this year and i only work about 2 hours a day. Thanks Court, Mark, and Peter and Merry Christmas! - bilbob96
Our theme at The Keyword Academy this year is to work together. We're going to develop our knowledge and crush it - together. It's much harder to do it alone. I look forward to meeting you. Honestly though, you're going to have to get in quick:

I'll see you on the inside,
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