Friday, May 18, 2007



Exam Tips : Part 1 (Objective)

1. Definition computer architecture (refer book page 1- 6)
Computer architecture refers to the attribute that are visible to the programmer (user) and attribute that have a direct impact on the logical execution of a program.

Definition Computer Organization
Computer organization refers to the operational units and their interconnections to realize the architectural specifications. Organization attributes include hardware details that are transparent to the programmer such as Control signals, Interface units & Memory technology.

Definition Function of a computer System.
Functions here refer to the operations that are performed by each individual component. There are 4 basic computer system performs:
Data Processing
Data Storage
Data Movement

2. System bus.
Hypothetical Example – The Fetch and execute
Refer to slide # 25 – 27 Chapter 3. Explain the steps.

3. RAID Concept – ( Refer book page 33 )
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a standardized scheme for multiple disk design. If arrays of disk operate independently and in parallel, separate I/O request can be handle simultaneously. A single I/O request can be execute in parallel if data is distributed in multiple disk. Redundancy can be added to improve reliability.

4. Multiplication of 2’s compliment ( Refer book page 45 )
Straight forward multiplication will not work for 2’s compliment if either the multiplication of the multiplier or both are negative.

Part II (Subjective)

I. 1. Main memory – What is main memory. ( Refer Book page 17)
Operations on data required access to more than an element at a time. Data and instructions are required to be stored temporarily awaiting process. This temporary storage is the main memory.
2. Different of Static and Dynamic RAM (Refer Book page 27)
Static RAM – can hold its data for as long as power is supplied. It uses flip-flop logic gate configuration.
Dynamic RAM - Required periodic refresh signal to maintain its data. It uses charged capacitors to store data
Static RAMs somewhat faster than dynamic RAMs.
3. State 2 memory failure :
I. Hard failure – permanent physical defect. Memory cells can no longer store data.
II. Soft errors – Random, nondestructive event that alters the contents of the cells

II. 1. Explain RAID 1 or RAID 5.
RAID 1 - Each logical strip is mapped to two separate physical disks so that every disk in the array has a mirror disk that contains the same data.
RAID 5 - The distribution of parity strips across all drive avoids the potential I/O bottleneck. Typically uses a round-robin scheme.
2. 3 External memory
I. Magnetic Disk
II. Optical Memory - tapes.
3. Conversion of sign magnitude (refer book page 43 & 44)
1’s compliment and 2’s compliment to 8 digits.