Monday, July 16, 2012

This story is embarrassing

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This story is embarrassing

I was 23 years old. It was 2:00 in the afternoon and as usual, I was still in bed. I hadn’t had a job for a while and had missed all my classes earlier that morning. The night before I couldn’t fall asleep, probably because the day before, I had slept in until 2 or maybe 3.

I owed one of my best friends (and my roommate) rent money and felt horrible about it. He was cutting me a break on the price of my rent and I was hosing him big time. I hoped I didn’t have to see him that day but knew that I probably would. When my roommates got home from school they would ask me what time I got out of bed. I would tell them that my insomnia was out of control and I had slept in til 2, again.

I don’t know what day this was because as crappy as it is to admit it, it was every day for almost a year.

That was 11 years ago and the worst year of my life. To this day, I don’t know how I let that happen. I only know that I did.

There were a few times that I tried to get a job in fact I was able to get a few job interviews. I probably shouldn’t admit this but there were a job I probably would have been given but when I went to the interview, I got pretty anxious. I was afraid that I wouldn't get the job. I was literally sitting in front of the building and couldn't get myself to get out of the car and walk in. I drove home. Yikes.

Ironic, isn’t it? I was as complete a failure as you can possibly be and I wouldn’t go into an interview because I was afraid I wouldn’t get the job, even though I didn’t have a job. Whahaaat?%&*

I can’t even try to make an excuse. There isn’t one.

To me that stuff is some dark business.

Believe it or not, being a complete screw up helped me when I had an opportunity to do something with my life. When I first started learning about making money with the internet, I wanted a life turn around and had burned most of my other bridges. I wasn’t as focused on the fear of failure because I had no other options or prospects.

Somehow, I completely turned it around.

I have spent a lot of time in the last seven years helping people get started with blogging and other online methods for making money. I have seen a lot of people fail and I have seen a lot of people succeed.

More importantly, I have seen a lot of people fail and THEN succeed.

If we can do it, you can too.

I attribute a lot of my turn-around to two factors:

1. I learned what to focus on.

When I was failing, I had no plan and I had no one to teach me a plan. Emotionally I was obviously a wreck but that wasn’t my whole problem. Once I learned something that I believed could work well for me, I pulled myself out of that rut and started working the heck out of it. It started to work and that led to me getting more and more excited about learning and ironically, working. Things snowballed.

If things haven't been going as well as you would have liked, it's more likely that you'll grab on to the right things when they're presented to you. Implement them and feed off of the success that they bring.

2. I learned to give of myself.

When I’m writing a blog post, I try to think about how I can help the people who will eventually find it. I do the same thing when I write emails and when I write e-books. I believe that if my work helps people that will lead to more success. It has.

I feel like I’m doing some good in the world and emotionally that keeps me going. I believe that because of the work I’ve put in people have gotten more traffic to their blogs, lost weight, improved their health, made more money, saved more money, improved self-discipline, improved their credit scores, avoided crappy loans, and built businesses, among a lot of other things.

If you’re willing to do some good, we want to help you to get your message in front of more people. Learn more here:

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