Friday, February 24, 2012

Bill Ready Notification


Your latest bill statement is now available online. To view, simply visit and enter your User ID & Password.

Details of Bill Account :
Account Holder's Name : ENCIK MOHD RAFIEE BIN AMRI
Mobile Number : 019-5535423
Bill Date : 18/02/2012
Account No : 46383153
Total Amount : RM 81.35

If you have any difficulty opening the above link, please copy and paste the link or type directly into the address bar of your internet browser.

Should you have any enquiries, you may contact our Contact Centre at 1111 from a Celcom Mobile or 1 300 111 000 from other mobile operators. Alternatively, you may also walk into any Celcom Branch for assistance.


Celcom Axiata Berhad

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