So I promised that I would continue building the content
database of my seriously powerful tool for generating
quality content in seconds -- Article Builder. The purpose
of growing the database was to be able to add more
I've held to that: 52 categories of quality content
that you can generate in seconds.
But I've added even more: 9 Super Spun Articles built
into your account, ready to create highly unique articles
that you can use at the push of a button.
And right now my team is working furiously to make
ALL of the content in the Article Builder database
Super Spun content. By next week the 10 most popular
categories will be ready to go, and your content
will be guaranteed to be a bare minimum of 75% unique
(but the great majority of the time it will be more
unique than that).
The response to my announcement of this upgrade has been
very positive. Here are a few of the comments:
That is fantastic! ArticleBuilder is ridiculously great
for the price...but, this will make a huge difference in
the long-term value of the tool!
This is ridiculously awesome news! AB has brought me
such value up to this point....Can't wait to take it
to the next level!
I can only THANK YOU! I am already using the Super Spun
articles as the basis for many of articles already.
Having more topics to choose from will be an excellent
You just keep adding value!
Thanks Again,
With this massive infusion of content, I knew it was
time to make more memberships available. I did so,
less than 24 hours ago adding 250 slots.
I meant to email you about it earlier today, but got
caught up taking care of some paperwork for a passport.
And, Rafie, I just checked, and, well... already
almost 70 of the memberships are gone!
The last time I opened up 100 new memberships they
disappeared in 16 hours. The time before that I added
500 and they were gone in 3 days.
I won't be adding new memberships again until the entire
database is Super Spun, and that will take a couple of
months, so I STRONGLY recommend you get your membership
now before they're all gone.
Here's the link:
And here's to your success Rafie!
Jonathan Leger, PO Box 940367, Plano, TX 75094-0367, USA
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