Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fwd: Online video a must-have for these four businesses

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Date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:11 PM
Subject: Online video a must-have for these four businesses

  New BlackBerry mobile management tools ready for download | A new computer that defies category
  Computerworld First Look

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Online video a must-have for these four businesses
Adding video to the company website can set retailers and other businesses apart from the competition -- and ultimately boost the bottom line. Read More


IT Roadmap Chicago Focuses on Five Pillars of Technology
The content-rich agenda has been redesigned and reenergized to include increased IDG content from editors you know and trust on topics such as: Security & Management, Network - From the Edge to the Core of the New Data Center, Analytics & Data Management, Cloud & Next Generation Apps, The Mobile/BYOD Enterprise, and more! Click to continue


How to Take Business Analytics to the Next Level
By viewing this webcast you will learn how you can implement an effective BA strategy that will deliver maximum strategic value to your company. View Now

New BlackBerry mobile management tools ready for download
Analysts are unsure whether RIM's new enterprise mobility software, now available for download, can halt the migration away from BlackBerry smartphones. Read More

A new computer that defies category
Dell is planning to release by mid-year a computer that's all of 3.5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. It's not much bigger in girth than a USB stick, and is similar in design. Read More

Exposure of files on unsecured wireless no excuse to search, judge rules
An individual who inadvertently exposes the contents of his computer over an unsecured wireless network still has a reasonable expectation of privacy against a search of those contents by the police, a federal judge in Oregon ruled last week. Read More

AMD lays out a plan for profitability
With a tough 2012 behind it, Advanced Micro Devices hopes to return to profitability this year through cost-cutting, new chips and other measures, executives said Tuesday. Read More

Carrier KDDI mulls adding Firefox OS phones
KDDI, which runs one of Japan's largest mobile networks, is considering selling smartphones based on the new Firefox operating system from Mozilla. Read More

LTE subscribers will more than double in '13, IHS iSuppli says
For every person using 4G LTE now, there will be at least one more subscriber by the end of this year, IHS iSuppli says. Read More

Forrester: Mobile app dev needs 'omni-channel' perspective
Research firm says modern apps require elastic infrastructure and multichannel clients, while mobile apps are just one component of larger app architecture Read More

WHITE PAPER: Microsoft Corporation

Smarter Business Requires Intelligent Systems
This paper discusses the growing adoption of intelligent systems and the role Microsoft, through its Windows Embedded, Windows Azure, and other technologies, can play in developing these systems. Read Now.

IBM boosts full-year profit despite lower revenue
Making the most of a sluggish world economy, IBM managed to increase its net income by 5 percent in 2012, even though revenue shrank by 2 percent. Read More

Google's Q4 revenue jumps 36%
Google's fourth-quarter revenue was up 36 percent from the previous year, thanks to continued growth in its advertising business. Read More

Smartphones, tablets to boost processor market
Tablets and smartphones will give a much-needed boost this year to the worldwide microprocessor market, which is undergoing a fundamental change with a shift to low-power processors used in energy-efficient devices, research firm IC Insights said. Read More

Lawmakers look to reduce waste in U.S. gov't IT contracts
U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday urged government officials to clamp down on bad IT contracts and limit duplication across projects, with an estimated one quarter of federal spending on IT wasted every year. Read More

AMD revenue falls as financial struggles continue
Advanced Micro Devices' financial struggles continued in the fourth quarter, with revenue sinking 32 percent due to slow chip sales and charges tied to restructuring and inventory adjustments. Read More

Susan Feinberg: The trouble with standards in the financial services industry
The financial services industry in the U.S. insists on both maintaining decades-old domestic standards and developing new domestic standards -- from the Balance and Transaction Reporting Standard (BTRS) to the Fedwire extended remittance formats -- instead of moving to the ISO 20022 global standards. And they're having a tough time. Read More

Richi Jennings: Surface Pro release date Feb 9; it's 'New and exciting' says Microsoft
Surface Pro now has its release date. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) announces it'll be available on February 9—in the U.S. and Canada, at least (the plan for other countries isn't clear). Starting at $899, you'll still need to add a keyboard cover, pushing the price over the magic $1000 bar. Also, the 64 GB version is probably too small, so the total price is more like $1120-ish. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers get their tongues around the official name: Surface Windows 8 Pro. Read More



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Monday, January 21, 2013

Testing posting via email


Mohd Rafiee Amri

Juruteknik IT,

FST RO IT Bersia,

IT & Business Solution – ICT TNB



Hikmah disebalik perubahan warna langit ketika masuk waktu Solat

1. Waktu solat Subuh

Jika kita sering memperhatikan waktu selepas subuh, apalagi menjelang siang, langit seringkali berwarna biru yang diselangi dengan merah (oren) yang dihasilkan oleh sinar mentari yang akan terbit.

Dalam Islam, tidur selepas subuh sangat dilarang kerana akan ketinggalan rezeki. Seperti Sabda Rasulullah: "Ya Allah berikanlah keberkatan kepada umatku di pagi harinya," (HR. Abu Daud no. 2606, Tirmidzi no. 1212, Ibnu Majah no. 2236, sahih At-Targhiib waTarhiib no, 1693)

Selain itu, mengapa kita tidak dibenarkan tidur selepas subuh adalah kerana warna biru mempengaruhi kelenjar tyroid. Bila kelenjar tyroid kita lemah, kita akan menghadapi masalah kehausan sepanjang hari.

Pada waktu Subuh, alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.

Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan rezeki dan komunikasi.

Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama-kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki. Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad dalam keadaan tidur dalam erti kata lain lebih baik terjaga daripada tidur. Di sini juga dapat kita ambil hikmah untuk solat di awal waktu.

Bermulanya saat azan subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonansi pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuh sebenarnya sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.

2. Waktu solat Zohor

Ketika ini warna kuning mendominasi atmosfera. Mengurangkan makan pada waktu kuning (siang hari) ialah amalan terbaik untuk menjaga supaya pemikiran menjadi kreatif, tajam, dan peka. Kita juga amat digalakkan untuk melakukan puasa sunat Isnin dan Khamis untuk menggurangi beban kerja organ pencernaan.

Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem pencernaan. Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya.

3. Waktu solat Asar

Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif.

Rahsia warna orange ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar digunakan untuk tidur.

4. Waktu solat Maghrib

Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) Ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka bergema dengan alam. Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga sebaiknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini dengan menunaikan solat Maghrib dulu.

Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.

Tahukah anda bahawa warna merah yang dipancarkan oleh alam ketika itu mempunyai resonansi yang sama dengan jin dan syaitan. Kita lebih baik untuk berada di dalam rumah pada waktu maghrib ini.

5. Waktu solat Isyak

Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna merah dan seterusnya memasuki fasa kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak.

Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyanya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam keadaan relaks atau berehat. Allahu alam bi shawwab.